- Page Wrapper Settings: Imagine a website as a book. The "Page Wrapper" is like the cover of the book. It's the main container that holds everything inside your website. Just like how the cover of a book gives the first impression, the Page Wrapper is what first sets the tone for your website.
- This is the parent div for all divs: In a website, various elements (like text, images, etc.) are organized in boxes called 'divs' (short for 'divisions'). The 'parent div' is the big box that contains all these smaller boxes. Think of it like a large toy box that holds smaller boxes inside it.
- You can use this setting to apply colors to all website: This means you can choose a color for this big box (the parent div), and this color will affect the entire website. It's like painting the walls of a room; it changes the feel of the entire space.
- A text input field is provided to input any predefined CSS classes, either from Solo or any uploaded third-party library: Here's where it gets a bit technical, but let's simplify. CSS classes are like sets of style instructions (like a recipe for how to decorate a room). The 'text input field' is where you can type in the name of these style recipes. 'Solo' or 'third-party libraries' are just sources for these recipes. Some you create yourself (Solo), and some you get from others (third-party).
- 15 color input fields are available for global use across the entire site: Finally, this part is saying that you have 15 different options or 'fields' where you can choose colors. Any color you pick here can be used anywhere on your website. It's like having a palette of 15 paint colors that you can use to paint any part of your website.
In summary, the text is describing tools that help you design and style a website, mainly focusing on colors and overall layout. It's about setting up a consistent look and feel for the whole site, starting from the largest container to individual style elements.