The Solo theme encompasses two types of regions: Single and Grouped regions. A Single region is characterized by having its own wrapper with no adjacent regions. Examples of this include the header, primary menu, highlighted, etc. On the other hand, Grouped regions consist of 3 or 4 regions that are collectively wrapped, with the horizontal open space evenly distributed among them. Examples of Grouped regions include the main container, top container, etc.
[1]- Single Regions
The theme consists of the following single regions:
- Popup Login Block
- Fixed Search Block
- Header
- Primary Sidebar Menu
- Primary Menu
- Welcome Text
- Highlighted
- System Messages
- Page Title
- Breadcrumb
- Footer Menu Container
All single regions are visible on all site pages, with the exception of the 'Page Title' and 'Welcome Text'. The 'Page Title' is not visible on the home page only, while the 'Welcome Text' is visible on the home page only.
[2]- Grouped Regions
These are sets of 3 or 4 areas that are grouped together. Imagine them as clusters of boxes that share the same space. They have the following options:
The two columns' settings:(50%, 50%), (67%, 33%), (75%, 25%), (80%, 20%), (33%, 67%), (25%, 75%), (20%, 80%).
The three columns' settings:(33.3%, 33.3%, 33.3%), (25%, 50%, 25%), (20%, 60%, 20%).
The four columns' settings:(25%, 25%, 25%, 25%), (16.6%, 33.3%, 33.3%, 16.6%), (33.3%, 16.6%, 16.6%, 33.3%), (16.6%, 33.3%, 16.6%, 33.3%)
- Top First Container
- Top Second Container
- Top Third Container
- Left Sidebar
- Content
- Right Sidebar
- Bottom First Container
- Bottom Second Container
- Bottom Third Container
- Bottom Fourth Container
- Footer First Container
- Footer Second Container
- Footer Third Container